Self and Society Volume 32 Issue 4

The following lists the contents of Self and Society, Volume 32 Issue 4.
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Author: Maxine Linnell
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The Independent Practitioners Network: An Introduction
Authors: Denis Postle, Richard House, Keith Pearce Assistance, Susanna Piohtee Assistance, Nick Totton Assistance
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The Independent Practitioners Network (IPN) is an increasingly substantial feature of the UK psychopractice landscape, with the celebration this autumn of its tenth anniversary since founding. By the term ‘psychopractice’ we include any activity in which people engage with themselves and others in enquiring into their personal functioning, their relationships, their politics, their deficits, their wishes, dreams, spirituality and so on. Thus ‘psychopractice’ includes both psychoanalysis and co-counselling, both NLP and the native American tradition….

Why join IPN?
Author: Arthur Musgrave
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An Unqualified Good: The IPN as a Path through and beyond Professionalisation
Author: Richard House
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Ruminating upon ‘standing by’
Author: Steve Burchell
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Rowan has been a stable group of five practitioners for about two years now, since our newest member joined. We meet about every three weeks for two hours in the evening at one or other member's homes. About twice a year we also spend a day together at a weekend allowing us to get into bigger chunks of work.

The Role of the Independent Practitioners Network as a ‘Systems Buster’
Author: Susanna Piohtee
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It is my contention that the IPN network is playing a tiny but significant role in manifesting one aspect of a major paradigm shift for humanity that will bust apart the prevailing ‘systems’ that are presently restricting our evolutionary progress. This next step in our evolution is being facilitated by an irresistible urge to participate in a transition from our current level of consciousness into consciousness that is greatly expanded and guided by spiritual insight.

Author: Jane Barclay
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The Language of Love
Author: Nick Duffell
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And A Response
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Shelf Life
Author: Nick Duffell
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AHP(B) page
Author: Tony Morris
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Book Review:
Authors: Vivienne Silver-Leigh, Nicky Marshall, Arthur Musgrave, Nick Duffell, John Rowan, Geoff Lamb
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