The following lists the contents of Self and Society, Volume 28 Issue 4.
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Author: Maxine Linnell
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Author: Camilla Gugenheim
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Author: John Ashfield
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‘Contemplative’ has a heart-felt, open, expansive feel that warms me. ‘Psychotherapy’, on the other hand, seems to hold darker constricting qualities with overtones of fragmentation and analysis, even when held within a more holistic, humanistic or transpersonal form. It is also interesting to really feel where I am being pulled by these two words. The former draws me inwards in gentleness to inherent experience and creates space for the freedom to suffer. The latter puts me under an analytical gaze and says, ‘this is how you are what you are’.
Author: Anne Williams
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A few days ago, as I was meditating by an open window, a breeze caused the candle flame to flicker violently. In immediate response, I could feel a tension rising in my body; muscles contracting, breath shallow. Images and sounds came into my mind of raised voices; a felt sense of unease, anxiety, disturbance. In the symbol of that flickering candle, I seemed to re-experience the turbulence of childhood. In those brief few moments, I was again reminded of the power of awareness, how it helps us to make sense of our process, to learn how we do ourselves through past conditioning and experience. This is the essence of core process psychotherapy: the ‘Exploration of how we are in our present experience, and how this expresses the past conditioning and conditions of our lives.’ (Donington, 1995)
Author: Trish Munn
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Authors: Heward Wilkinson, Nick Totton
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Heward sent me a copy of his piece in the May issue of Self and Society, ‘Constitutional Process’, asking for my response; and then suggested that we have a ‘Guardian-style debate’ on the topics raised. What follows is a salted-down version of the e-mails we exchanged, in the hope that they may further discussion of these crucial issues. All of the IPN documents referred to, as well as the full text of our exchange, can be downloaded from
Author: Petrūska Clarkson
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The ethics codes of most so-called professional organisations, including the AHPP and the UKCP have a clause generally referred to as the ‘duty to report’. This means that where a practitioner has reason to suspect ethical violations by another member of that profession, they are required to act. Firstly, by confronting the individual directly, in confidence, and secondly, if informal resolution is not achieved, by reporting it to the relevant ethics body of the organisation and instituting a formal complaint.
Author: John Buckle
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Author: Tone Horwood
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Book Review:
Authors: John Rowan, John Rowan, Judy Gaskell
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Authors: John Rowan, Anna Sands, Janet Boakes, Carrie Norman, Don Thelpme
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