The following lists the contents of Self and Society, Volume 2 Issue 7.
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Interview with Peter Blythe
Author: Michaela Baron
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Author: Ann McPhee
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Masochism, Alcoholism and other Contradictory Phenomena
Author: Jerome Liss
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‘I was feeling stuck in the throat and a heaviness in my chest. Somehow it seemed connected to my brother’s death. Dr. R. asked me how the rest of my body felt. I told him, ‘Numb, uncomfortable, like I’d like to jump out of my own skin.’ He then said gently, ‘Stay with the feeling. ‘I began to cry a bit but I needed deeper release. I took Dr. R’s hands, put one over my throat and the other on top of my chest. And with that I burst out crying. I had a quick, vivid flash of seeing my brother in the coffin, but I couldn’t hold on to it, or perhaps didn’t want to, it was just too strong. I noticed as I cried the sudden warmth which came into my body from my chest and also my belly. It was actually pleasure, even though I was crying about my brother’s death. I noticed my whole body felt warm and tingly. Especially my skin had this gentle buzzing feeling. I felt warm and relaxed all over. I didn’t need the pressures of Dr. R’s hands any more, so I moved his hands away and just rested, and began to remember the times when my brother was alive and how we enjoyed doing things together. Now the thought of him no longer distressed me. In memory I was able to enjoy and appreciate him once again.’
Author: Constance Tottle
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Some Preliminary Thoughts on T-Groups and Sensitivity Training
Author: Ronald Ullmann
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God and the Group
Author: Alan Dale
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AHP Activities
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Growth Centres
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If Only I Knew
Author: Hans Lobstein
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Articles of Doubt and Articles of Faith
Author: Arnold Abramovitz
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Jacob Stattman talking
Authors: Mona Lisa Boyesen, Clothilde, Vivian Milroy
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